Car insurance protects you from the financial burden of having to pay for damage to your car, damage to someone else’s car or property if you get into a car accident, or the medical expenses of someone you injured with your car. Car insurance covers you when you get into a car accident or when your car is damaged by a sudden event like vandalism or a hailstorm. So, if your car is at the body shop after an accident, a rental car is covered up to your limit. But if your car is undergoing routine maintenance that will keep it in the shop overnight or you are renting a vehicle for a family road trip, then rental reimbursement coverage would not apply.
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Next steps: To learn more about your policy and rental car insurance, call us at 1-800-841-0728 or review your policy documents on Or, if you’re looking for a new auto policy, compare car insurance and see why GEICO is the right choice.

Does insurance cover rental car when car is in shop. How well does your regular auto policy cover use of a rental car? Many policies cover rental cars, but read the fine print on your policy or call your agent ahead of time before you hit the road. Some people save on their regular auto policies by buying the minimum required auto insurance and/or by having high deductibles. Does AAA Auto Insurance Cover Rental Cars? AAA auto insurance is only available to AAA members. Coverage includes collision coverage, liability insurance (up to minimum mandatory per state), uninsured motorist coverage, medical coverage, and rental car reimbursement (if your own car is out of service). 5. Does your credit card cover rental car insurance? Credit cards are another option when it comes to rental car insurance. Finding out if you have additional coverage is as easy as calling the 1-800 number on the back of the card to ask. If your credit card comes with rental car insurance, keep in mind a few questions you should ask the issuer:
The Rental Car Damage Protector pays for the cost to repair or replace the car (whichever is less), plus reasonable loss of use fees the owner of the rental car incurs while it’s being repaired. Loss of use means the money the rental car company is losing while the car is in the shop. I n most states, ERIE’s comprehensive coverage automatically includes basic rental car coverage — meaning you’re covered for a compact sedan rental car while your vehicle is in the shop. This coverage varies by state, so ask your insurance agent about rental car coverage before you’re in a situation where you need it. Rental car reimbursement helps pay for the expense of renting a vehicle if your car has been stolen or vandalized, or if it's in the shop for repairs following a covered accident. Learn more about AAA Car Insurance.
In general, a personal auto insurance policy does extend to rental cars with the same limits of liability. That includes liability for property and auto damage and collision coverage for rental car damage. The comprehensive portion of the policy takes care of the rental car’s damage from non-driving damage, such as hail or theft. Types of Insurance Needed for Rental Cars. In order for your primary automotive insurance to cover your rental car, you’ll need three types of coverage: liability, collision, and comprehensive. Liability insurance will cover damages to other vehicles and property, as well as injuries to other people, up to your personal policy limits. If you need a long-term car rental because your personal vehicle was in an accident, the rental car cost may be covered if you opted to purchase rental reimbursement insurance. Insurance companies typically offer this as an option to cover expenses while policyholders shop for a new car or wait for repairs.
In addition to your auto insurance, certain credit cards offer extra insurance if you pay for a car rental using that card, according to the Insurance Information Institute (III). If you have extra rental car insurance through a credit-card issuer, call the toll-free number on the back of your card and have them explain your options in detail before you reserve your car. March break is around the corner and whether you rent a car frequently or only occasionally for a road trip, it’s important to understand how your existing car insurance applies to a rental car, and what the risks may be of choosing not to purchase additional coverage from the rental car company. Before you get behind the wheel of a rental, get all your questions answered and all of the. Another option to consider: Many credit card companies offer rental car insurance if you pay the rental fee using their card. Just know that this coverage typically only covers physical damage to the rental car, so you’ll still need separate liability coverage. Get in touch with your credit card company to ask for details.
If your car is safe to drive, rental coverage begins the day you leave your car at the body shop and ends the day your car is repaired, or after 30 days, whichever comes sooner ($25x30=$750). If your car is unsafe to drive, coverage will begin immediately. Rental reimbursement (or rental car coverage) is a type of optional car insurance coverage that helps pay for the cost of a rental car while your vehicle is being repaired after a car accident or after suffering damages that are covered through your car insurance policy. This coverage is not required as part of your car insurance policy, but is beneficial if you do not have a secondary vehicle. On average, a car is in the repair shop for two weeks after an accident and renting a replacement vehicle for that amount of time can be costly. Many insured drivers are surprised to find out that their auto insurance does not automatically cover the cost of their rental because they've overlooked the policy option known as rental reimbursement.
Does insurance cover my rental car? Your personal auto insurance, including all limits and deductibles, extends to almost any rental car you drive. That means, if you carry comprehensive and collision coverage on your daily ride, you’ll be protected against physical damage to your rental car. If your own car insurance includes rental coverage, then this won’t be as much of a problem, because you’ll be able to use that to obtain a rental car. Your insurance company will then go after the other driver’s insurance company for reimbursement of the money they paid for your rental car. Keep in mind that if your rental car coverage.
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